Taking Time to Reflect on 2022

Welcome back to The Balanced Dietitian Podcast! Welcome to the last week of 2022. How are your holidays? I hope you are having a wonderful and calm time where you get to connect with yourself or maybe it is a busy time. At the end of the day, I just hope that you are doing well and that you have time and space for yourself to do the things that feel so good to you. 

Today we are reflecting and I really want us to focus on the things that we love from 2022, things that happened, things that we are letting go of, and the things that we want to bring more of. 

In this episode, we discuss: 

[05:00] What have you loved in 2022?  

The first thing that I always like to ask myself is what are the things that I have loved in 2022? I like to set work, love, and play goals. I love to set goals for my work, my passion, my purpose, and what I want to accomplish. I have goals for love, feeling connected, cared for, and how I show love and how I receive love. I also have play goals because I’m very much someone who likes to laugh, experience joy, and have different experiences. You can have different buckets if there are different words that align more with you. I would challenge you to journal and really think about what are the things that you have loved about 2022, the things that feel so heart and soul and align with who you are.

[09:45] The things that we didn’t like in 2022  

Then we also want to reflect on the things that we didn’t like about 2022. I really think that focusing also on the things that we don’t like is important. I find it really important for myself to really also focus on the things that I don’t like because it helps me have boundaries.  It also helps me understand myself more and put myself in situations where I can do what’s best for me. So take some time to reflect on what you didn’t love about 2022 or want doesn’t align with you anymore.

[15:23] Look at the goals you set for 2022    

Now that we’ve done the reflections of what we’ve really loved in 2022, and what we haven’t loved in 2022, I personally also like to look at the goals that I had set for 2022 and check in to see if I accomplished my goals. If I have a goal in my business that I do not accomplish then I will do an audit to figure out what happened and why I didn’t meet that goal. It is also really important to take time to celebrate our accomplishments and successes from this year. 

[18:07] Lessons have you learned in 2022 that you want to bring into 2023

Once I’ve reflected on my goals, the next thing that I do is that I asked myself if there were any lessons that I have learned from 2022. Is there anything from 2022 that I have learned that I want to take with me in 2023? Maybe either it’s mistakes that I’ve made or I’ve learned something about an event that happened that gave me some insights.  I really like to focus on the idea of what I am able to learn from every situation to then be able to move forward.

[19:00] Write a gratitude list

The last piece of the reflection that I personally like to do when I think about my year is really going through my gratitude. I like to think about all of the things that I’m grateful for this year. I’ll just jot down a huge list of all of the things that I can think about. There’s so much evidence and science that shows us that being grateful is really helpful in terms of our outlook on life. I really do believe that there’s so much benefit to gratitude and being grateful.

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